- The snatives functions have new signatures; string arguments are now string, not byte32. - The Solidity interface contracts can be generated using the "burrow snatives" command, and the make snatives target is gone. - TxExecutions that were exceptions (for example those that were REVERTed) will no longer have their events emitted from ExecutionEventsServer.GetEvents. They remain stored in state for the time being. - CallTxSim and CallCodeSim now take same code path as real transactions (via CallContext) - Upgraded to Tendermint [0.22.8](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/compare/v0.22.4...v0.22.8) (from 0.22.4). - Support mempool signing for BroadcastTxAsync. - Reload log file (e.g. for logrotate) on SIGHUP and dump capture logs on SIGUSR1 and on shutdown (e.g. for debug). - File logger accepts {{.Timestamp}} in file names to generate a log file per run. - Ability to set --external-address on burrow configure and burrow start - Ability to set various command line options on burrow configure and burrow start and by BURROW_ prefixed environment variables - Exposed Tendermint SeedMode option - Release our mempool signing lock once transactions have been CheckTx'd' to massively increase throughput.